Start with why.
In 2016 we lost some of the greatest living brands we’ve ever known.
Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming.
David Bowie 1947 - 2016 Cultural icon, fashion icon, shape-shifter, musician
The system is broken. It’s going to take the young people to fix it this time. We need new ideas, new life...
Prince 1958 - 2016 Civil rights advocate, multi-instrumentalist, pop-star
Wars of nations are fought to change maps. But wars of poverty are fought to map change.
Muhammad Ali 1942 - 2016 Civil rights activist, Heavy weight champion of the world
When you stop thinking about yourself all the time, a certain sense of repose overtakes you.
Leonard Cohen 1934 - 2016 Poet, novelist, painter, singer, songwriter and musician
I have to be honest here, I’m not really interested in selling records to people who are homophobic.
George Michael 1963 - 2016 Gay rights advocate, pop-star
Sometimes you can only find heaven by backing away from hell.
Carrie Fisher 1956 - 2016 Screen-writer, author, actress
As with our idols, “why?” gives your brand substance. It’s a reason for your followers to believe in you.
Start with why.
Why did they matter so much to us?

Enduring brands do not spring up overnight.
They are slow pursuits. Built upon sturdy foundations that...